A clock never keeps perfect time
Leap second
A leap second is a one-second adjustment that is occasionally applied to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) in order to keep its time of day close to the mean solar time, or UT1. Without such a correction, time reckoned by Earth's rotation drifts away from atomic time because of irregularities in the Earth's rate of rotation. Since this system of correction was implemented in 1972, 27 leap seconds have been inserted, the most recent on December 31, 2016 at 23:59:60 UTC. (from wikipedia)
在最近的一次闰秒(December 31, 2016 at 23:59:60 UTC)时,也顺便学习了其他几家公司是如何在众多服务器和业务之上顺利度过闰秒的。
- google:https://googleblog.blogspot.hk/2011/09/time-technology-and-leaping-seconds.html
- JD:https://linux.cn/article-8131-1.html
Cloudflare caught out by much expected leap second
RRDNS 是用Go写的,并且使用了标准库中的 time.Now()
函数,不幸的是,这个函数拿到的时间并不能保证是单调的,Go 现在并不支持monotonic time。在RRDNS中有这样一段代码:
// Update upstream sRTT on UDP queries, penalize it if it fails
if !start.IsZero() {
rtt := time.Now().Sub(start)
if success && rcode != dns.RcodeServerFailure {
} else {
// The penalty should be a multiple of actual timeout
// as we don't know when the good message was supposed to arrive,
// but it should not put server to backoff instantly
s.updateRTT(TimeoutPenalty * s.timeout)
在上面的代码中, 如果time.Now()
早, 那么rtt
就有可能是负值。如果时间一直正常往前走这段代码是没有问题的,不幸的是,如果时间发生了跳跃,比如说闰秒,那么rtt就可能是负值。有意思的是这个rtt值会传递到Go的 rand.Int63n()
2017-01-01 00:00 UTC Impact starts
2017-01-01 00:10 UTC Escalated to engineers
2017-01-01 00:34 UTC Issue confirmed
2017-01-01 00:55 UTC Mitigation deployed to one canary node and confirmed
2017-01-01 01:03 UTC Mitigation deployed to canary data center and confirmed
2017-01-01 01:23 UTC Fix deployed in most impacted data center
2017-01-01 01:45 UTC Fix being deployed to major data centers
2017-01-01 01:48 UTC Fix being deployed everywhere
2017-01-01 02:50 UTC Fix rolled out to most of the affected data centers
2017-01-01 06:45 UTC Impact ends
Monotonic Elapsed Time Measurements
“The wall clock is for telling time. The monotonic clock is for measuring time.”
现在的Go标准库的time API是Rob和rsc在2011年设计的,Go定义了 time.Time
计算两个时间差,但是这是个wall clock time,而且在Go编程中,被广泛用于计算时间差,这些函数的底层实现是读取系统的wall clock,而不是monotonic clock,如果系统时钟重置或跳跃,时间测量就不准确。
Go最初的设计是用在google内部的生产环境,google的wall clock never resets。
- overload
- provide a separate API for accessing the monotonic clock
type Time struct {
sec int64 // seconds since Jan 1, year 1 00:00:00 UTC
nsec int32 // nanoseconds, in [0, 999999999]
loc *Location // location, for minute, hour, month, day, year
type Time struct {
wall uint64 // wall time: 1-bit flag, 33-bit sec since 1950, 30-bit nsec
ext int64 // extended time information
loc *Location // location
统计了github上start最多的前100 Go项目,目前大约70%的time调用都没有单调的需求。剩下的30%有:
Basic counts:
4910 time.Now()
1511 time.Now().Add
45 time.Now().AddDate
69 time.Now().After
77 time.Now().Before
4 time.Now().Date
5 time.Now().Day
1 time.Now().Equal
130 time.Now().Format
23 time.Now().In
8 time.Now().Local
4 time.Now().Location
1 time.Now().MarshalBinary
2 time.Now().MarshalText
2 time.Now().Minute
68 time.Now().Nanosecond
14 time.Now().Round
22 time.Now().Second
37 time.Now().String
370 time.Now().Sub
28 time.Now().Truncate
570 time.Now().UTC
582 time.Now().Unix
8067 time.Now().UnixNano
17 time.Now().Year
2 time.Now().Zone
45 time.Now().AddDate
4 time.Now().Date
5 time.Now().Day
130 time.Now().Format
23 time.Now().In
8 time.Now().Local
4 time.Now().Location
1 time.Now().MarshalBinary
2 time.Now().MarshalText
2 time.Now().Minute
68 time.Now().Nanosecond
14 time.Now().Round
22 time.Now().Second
37 time.Now().String
28 time.Now().Truncate
570 time.Now().UTC
582 time.Now().Unix
8067 time.Now().UnixNano
17 time.Now().Year
2 time.Now().Zone
9631 TOTAL
4910 time.Now()
1511 time.Now().Add
69 time.Now().After
77 time.Now().Before
1 time.Now().Equal
370 time.Now().Sub
6938 TOTAL
返回一个 wall+monotonic time- 对于
, 无论是wall+monotonic time或是wall-only,都是这个结果 - time.Date, time.Unix, t.AddDate, t.In, t.Local, t.Round, t.Truncate, t.UTC这些函数都返回一个wall-only time
- 对于
而言,如果t和u都是wall+monotonic time,那么计算的结果也是一个wall+monotonic time,否则是一个all-only time。 - t.After(u), t.Before(u), t.Equal(u) compare monotonics if available (just like t.Sub(u)), otherwise walls.
- all the other functions that operate on time.Times use the wall time only. These include: t.Day, t.Format, t.Month, t.Unix, t.UnixNano, t.Year, and so on
t1 := time.Now()
... 10 ms of work
t2 := time.Now()
... 10 ms of work
t3 := time.Now()
... 10 ms of work
const f = "15:04:05.000"
fmt.Println(t1.Format(f), t2.Sub(t1), t2.Format(f), t3.Sub(t2), t3.Format(f))
23:59:59.985 10ms 23:59:59.995 10ms 23:59:59.005
23:59:59.985 10ms 23:59:59.995 -990ms 23:59:59.005
事实是 在t2和t3之前是 10ms 的间隔,而非 -990ms。