Part2 - Write Data [InfluxDB Source]






func (s *Server) appendHTTPDService(c httpd.Config) {
	if !c.Enabled {
	srv := httpd.NewService(c)
	srv.Handler.MetaStore = s.MetaStore
	srv.Handler.QueryExecutor = s.QueryExecutor
	srv.Handler.PointsWriter = s.PointsWriter
	srv.Handler.Version = s.buildInfo.Version

	// If a ContinuousQuerier service has been started, attach it.
	for _, srvc := range s.Services {
		if cqsrvc, ok := srvc.(continuous_querier.ContinuousQuerier); ok {
			srv.Handler.ContinuousQuerier = cqsrvc

	s.Services = append(s.Services, srv)

上面是实例化httpd service,c是httpd模块的配置,可配置的选项如下:

type Config struct {
	Enabled          bool   `toml:"enabled"`
	BindAddress      string `toml:"bind-address"`
	AuthEnabled      bool   `toml:"auth-enabled"`
	LogEnabled       bool   `toml:"log-enabled"`
	WriteTracing     bool   `toml:"write-tracing"`
	PprofEnabled     bool   `toml:"pprof-enabled"`
	HttpsEnabled     bool   `toml:"https-enabled"`
	HttpsCertificate string `toml:"https-certificate"`

// 默认配置如下
func NewConfig() Config {
	return Config{
		Enabled:          true,
		BindAddress:      ":8086",
		LogEnabled:       true,
		HttpsEnabled:     false,
		HttpsCertificate: "/etc/ssl/influxdb.pem",

接下来我们看看 httpd.NewService 的具体实现。在httpd的service中有个非常重要的属性,Handler。它处理所有用户的请求,influxdb借助了一个第三方库 实现了一个简单的路由。我们特别看下写入数据的请求是怎么做的。”POST”, “/write”, true, true, h.serveWrite

serveWrite 函数会做些全局的准备工作,比如过来的数据包如果是压缩的进行解压,然后根据header里面的内容类型往下分发,因为之前老版本的influxdb是json body请求,所以这里会判断是json body还是最新的line格式。我们直接看line的处理函数serveWriteLine,毕竟influxdb会慢慢抛弃json格式请求。

// serveWriteLine receives incoming series data in line protocol format and writes it to the database.
func (h *Handler) serveWriteLine(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, body []byte, user *meta.UserInfo) {
	// Some clients may not set the content-type header appropriately and send JSON with a non-json
	// content-type.  If the body looks JSON, try to handle it as as JSON instead
	if len(body) > 0 {
		var i int
		for {
			// JSON requests must start w/ an opening bracket
			if body[i] == '{' {
				h.serveWriteJSON(w, r, body, user)

			// check that the byte is in the standard ascii code range
			if body[i] > 32 {
			i += 1

	precision := r.FormValue("precision")
	if precision == "" {
		precision = "n"

	points, err := models.ParsePointsWithPrecision(body, time.Now().UTC(), precision)
	if err != nil {
		if err.Error() == "EOF" {
		h.writeError(w, influxql.Result{Err: err}, http.StatusBadRequest)

	database := r.FormValue("db")
	if database == "" {
		h.writeError(w, influxql.Result{Err: fmt.Errorf("database is required")}, http.StatusBadRequest)

	if di, err := h.MetaStore.Database(database); err != nil {
		h.writeError(w, influxql.Result{Err: fmt.Errorf("metastore database error: %s", err)}, http.StatusInternalServerError)
	} else if di == nil {
		h.writeError(w, influxql.Result{Err: fmt.Errorf("database not found: %q", database)}, http.StatusNotFound)

	if h.requireAuthentication && user == nil {
		h.writeError(w, influxql.Result{Err: fmt.Errorf("user is required to write to database %q", database)}, http.StatusUnauthorized)

	if h.requireAuthentication && !user.Authorize(influxql.WritePrivilege, database) {
		h.writeError(w, influxql.Result{Err: fmt.Errorf("%q user is not authorized to write to database %q", user.Name, database)}, http.StatusUnauthorized)

	// Determine required consistency level.
	consistency := cluster.ConsistencyLevelOne
	switch r.Form.Get("consistency") {
	case "all":
		consistency = cluster.ConsistencyLevelAll
	case "any":
		consistency = cluster.ConsistencyLevelAny
	case "one":
		consistency = cluster.ConsistencyLevelOne
	case "quorum":
		consistency = cluster.ConsistencyLevelQuorum

	// Write points.
	if err := h.PointsWriter.WritePoints(&cluster.WritePointsRequest{
		Database:         database,
		RetentionPolicy:  r.FormValue("rp"),
		ConsistencyLevel: consistency,
		Points:           points,
	}); influxdb.IsClientError(err) {
		h.statMap.Add(statPointsWrittenFail, int64(len(points)))
		h.writeError(w, influxql.Result{Err: err}, http.StatusBadRequest)
	} else if err != nil {
		h.statMap.Add(statPointsWrittenFail, int64(len(points)))
		h.writeError(w, influxql.Result{Err: err}, http.StatusInternalServerError)

	h.statMap.Add(statPointsWrittenOK, int64(len(points)))


[wal] 2015/10/28 11:39:35 Flush due to idle. Flushing 7 series with 7 points and 407 bytes from partition 1
[wal] 2015/10/28 11:39:35 write to index of partition 1 took 2.718621ms
[wal] 2015/10/28 11:39:45 Flush due to idle. Flushing 7 series with 7 points and 407 bytes from partition 1
[wal] 2015/10/28 11:39:45 write to index of partition 1 took 2.267708ms
[wal] 2015/10/28 11:39:55 Flush due to idle. Flushing 7 series with 7 points and 407 bytes from partition 1
[wal] 2015/10/28 11:39:55 write to index of partition 1 took 3.516488ms
[wal] 2015/10/28 11:40:05 Flush due to idle. Flushing 8 series with 8 points and 424 bytes from partition 1
[wal] 2015/10/28 11:40:05 write to index of partition 1 took 3.126415ms
[wal] 2015/10/28 11:40:15 Flush due to idle. Flushing 8 series with 8 points and 424 bytes from partition 1
[wal] 2015/10/28 11:40:15 write to index of partition 1 took 1.716188ms
[http] 2015/10/28 11:40:25 - - [28/Oct/2015:11:40:25 +0800] POST /write HTTP/1.1 400 57 - Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac 
OS X 10_11_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.71 Safari/537.36 9facaff5-7d25-11e5-8001-000000000000 2.522487ms
[wal] 2015/10/28 11:40:25 Flush due to idle. Flushing 8 series with 8 points and 424 bytes from partition 1
[wal] 2015/10/28 11:40:25 write to index of partition 1 took 12.511171ms
[wal] 2015/10/28 11:40:35 Flush due to idle. Flushing 8 series with 8 points and 442 bytes from partition 1
[wal] 2015/10/28 11:40:35 write to index of partition 1 took 7.997816ms
[http] 2015/10/28 11:40:38 - - [28/Oct/2015:11:40:38 +0800] POST /write HTTP/1.1 400 45 - Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac 
OS X 10_11_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.71 Safari/537.36 a776548d-7d25-11e5-8002-000000000000 19.391701ms
[wal] 2015/10/28 11:40:45 Flush due to idle. Flushing 8 series with 8 points and 442 bytes from partition 1
[wal] 2015/10/28 11:40:45 write to index of partition 1 took 1.890025ms
[http] 2015/10/28 11:40:50 - - [28/Oct/2015:11:40:50 +0800] POST /write HTTP/1.1 200 23 - Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac 
OS X 10_11_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.71 Safari/537.36 af16a5b9-7d25-11e5-8003-000000000000 1.222898ms [pan
ic:runtime error: index out of range]

最下面一条出现了 panic,OK ,让我们来修复下吧,问题出现在 if body[i] > 32 这个判断不够严谨,我们修改的结果如下

if body[i] > 32 || i >= len(body)-1 

OK,go fmt 然后给官方发PR。

接下来解析出来的points会根据提交的db写入响应的数据库。首先判断验证信息(Meta负责),然后根据配置的 consistency level写数据,handler的 PointsWriter完成数据的写操作。它会先把 points 封装成一个写入请求,然后会交给cluster去写数据。

2015.10.31更新: 在otoolep的帮助下,PR被合并了,他帮忙写了 test case。

#4538: Dropping database under a write load causes panics
#4582: Correct logging tags in cluster and TCP package. Thanks @oiooj
#4513: TSM1: panic: runtime error: index out of range
#4521: TSM1: panic: decode of short block: got 1, exp 9
#4587: Prevent NaN float values from being stored
#4596: Skip empty string for start position when parsing line protocol @Thanks @ch33hau
#4610: Make internal stats names consistent with Go style.
#4625: Correctly handle bad write requests. Thanks @oiooj.
