

鄙人李氏,山东人也,年二十有四[二零一三年],大汉民族。虽无丰神俊秀之容,然朴实,友善,性情中人也。嗜文,好蹴鞠。 壬辰年残冬之月,携同窗数人闯于帝都,见四面八方之学子,明五湖四海之圣贤。斯虽无仲尼墨翟之贤,无管仲伯夷之能,然吾有坚韧之心,青云之志,醇厚之情。自此,诸君失利,而吾幸然。小生不佞,知非是自身之天赋,故不敢于人有自傲之言,从IT, 昔君同窗数百,皆风流倜傥,唯斯鄙陋,无清风朗月之居,无天子帝都之籍。于众生乐而独悲,呜呼哀哉。


  • 2009 - 2013 Shandong University of Science and Technology

Work Experiences

  • 凤凰网 [ifeng.com]
    2013 - 2015 [OP]
  • 滴滴出行 [DiDi]
    2015.04 - 2015.11 [Devops]
    Projects: Odin/CMDB/Monitoring
  • 凤凰网 [ifeng.com]
    2016 - 2019 [SRE]
    Projects: Monitor/CI/containers/k8s
  • 腾讯 [Tencent]
    2019 - 2022 [SRE]
    Projects: Managed Prometheus Service
    Projects: goproxy for Tencent
    Projects: Tencent Golang
  • 云账户 [Accumulus]
    2022 - 2024 [infra/CICD/blockchain]
    Projects: Internal CI/CD system, custom linters
    Projects: Exchange cold/hot wallet system
  • Web 3 X [Exchange]
    2024 - Now [infra]
    Projects: Internal CI/CD system

Projects contributed to

  • vgo
    Versioned Go Prototype.
  • grafana
    The tool for beautiful monitoring and metric analytics & dashboards.
  • Pouch
    Pouch is an open-source project created to promote the container technology movement.
  • OpenCensus
    A single distribution of libraries for metrics and distributed tracing that allows you to export data to multiple backends.
  • jaeger
    Jaeger is a distributed tracing system released as open source by Uber Technologies.
  • TiDB
    TiDB is a Hybrid Transactional/Analytical Processing (HTAP) database.
  • beego
    beego is an open-source, high-performance web framework for the Go programming language.
  • Influxdb
    Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics
  • Open-Falcon Agent
    linux monitor agent
  • CloudBoot
    Automatic installation of operating systems


Personal Projects

Contact Me

  • Email: bk at golangcn.org